10 Favourite Moments From 2020

24 December 2020

Well I'm not joking when I say I really don't know where to start. It's been quite a year to say the least. And forgive me before I say the most cliche sentence ever...but I truly feel like I've blinked and it's nearly over. Thank the lord. It's also felt weirdly long too which makes no sense! But nor does 2020.

I wouldn't like to look back at this year and paint it in a completely negative light. There are so many things that have happened that have brought sadness, pain and feelings of helplessness. But there are always positives to be found. 

I'm a huge believer in the saying 'everything happens for a reason' but I hit a brick wall back in March when it felt like we were tumbling down a hill not being able to catch a breath, and I couldn't seem to think of a reason as to why the whole world was going through a nightmare.

I'm so lucky that I was never affected badly throughout the year but my heart goes out to any of you who were or also found bits difficult, sending so much love.

I thought I would write a list of my favourite moments of 2020 and I really encourage you to do the same. I am always looking back at photos and videos, probably more than I care to admit especially this year as I dreamt of previous summer holidays and time spent with my loved ones. This year isn't what we hoped or expected at all but in the words of one of my favourite wizards, Albus Dumbledore, 'Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light'.

1. Our last family get together before Lockdown

I think it was on the first of March? We had a slight idea about COVID and I was slightly worried about it but no way did I think everything would happen like it did. I always think I'm lucky to have such a big and amazing family but it made me realise how much I did take it for granted. Words can't describe how excited I am for us all to be in the same room again and to give squeezes bigger than life itself.

2. Eating dinner in the rain

Sounds weird but it's true. When we were allowed people in the garden but not inside, we had some family over for dinner and it chucked it down with rain! Typical. But nothing was going to stop us staying outside. I will always always remember that evening. It's so strange how these times makes us do things we wouldn't have done previously, like we would have rushed inside but staying out in the rain was even more fun. 

3. Beach days

I'm so grateful that we live by the sea. Listening to the calmness of the waves and just feeling a little bit like I was back in Portugal.

4. Picnics in the woods

This year we discovered 'Captain's Wood', not too far from where we live and it's like a whole other world. Whenever we went, we barely saw a soul. I went early morning to do a photo shoot back in October and we managed to see the most beautiful deer! So glad I managed to capture them.

5. Friends

I couldn't have got through this year without them! I made the best memories with Holly (one of my best friends) when Lockdown restrictions were lifted; evenings on the beach with pizza was one of my favourites. 2020 has really made me so much closer to people and I couldn't be more grateful.

6. A day in Great Yarmouth and Joyland

As we weren't going on holiday this year, we decided to have a week of days out with my auntie, uncle and cousin. We all made some of the best memories but I think my favourite day was when we went back to Great Yarmouth, where we used to spend our holidays when we were little. We had a beach picnic and went to Joyland (a tiny theme park) in the evening and there was hardly anyone there so we didn't have to queue for any ride! 

7. GCSE results day 

After finishing school back in March and having my exams cancelled, I was so worried to get my results especially the week before with the scandal of the a-level results. Me, my mum and sister went for an early morning swim in the sea to calm my nerves before my appointment to collect them but I was so so happy with them and proud of what we'd all achieved. A day of good emotions.

8. Starting Sixth Form

You can read more about it here on my blog but something I was also terrified for for weeks before but I'm having the best time and have met some of the loveliest people. 

9. Turning 17

Young and sweet onlyyyy....! With all the restrictions, I still managed to have such a lovely day and I know I was lucky with the circumstances at that time. My favourite people outside celebrating (safely) all evening was more than enough for me.

10. Strictly Come Dancing

If you know me, you know how much I love strictly! I was so worried that it wouldn't go ahead this year so I'm so grateful for all the sacrifices everyone made for it to still bring some sparkly magic to my weekend. I looked forward to it every week and now I don't know what I'm going to do on my Saturday evenings anymore. Already having withdrawal symptoms!!

Wishing you all a magical Christmas and sending so much love to everyone right now at such a difficult time. Hopefully 2021 will be a bit brighter. 

Bethan xx

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