The more I learnt about techniques and photography, the more I fell in love with taking photos and it made me realise how much I would love to do this in the future as an actual job.
I thought I would pick a few of my favourite photo shoots, share them with you and talk about the story behind them.
Side note- if you're reading this and thinking of taking photography as a GCSE, I would definitely recommend it. And if you have any questions about the course etc, feel free to leave them below.

These photos were inspired by an amazing portrait photographer called Joseph D.Tran. I discovered him whilst searching for photographers that used glitter as I knew I really wanted to experiment with different techniques, or something that would make a portrait photo look different.
In our GCSE course, for each photographer we had to do a 'direct copy' photo shoot which meant we had to pick a photo from them and make ours look basically the same bar a few things if we couldn't access something e.g the same background. These photos were the best outcomes of my direct copy photo shoot but in my case, I had to use a lighter background than the photographer's.
Moving on to the glitter. There was really no correct way in applying the glitter on my sister's face. We tried everything and it still managed to go everywhere! I would recommend making a paste e.g with Vaseline and the glitter but make sure your model hasn't got sensitive skin or any allergies before you apply anything.
Besides all the mess, I think this was probably one of my favourite ones to do. It is something so different and there was a lot of planning and creating to do beforehand. Even if I'm still finding glitter in the bathroom 8 months later haha.
As part of my reflection project, I took photos of my granny and ended up using them as part of my mock final piece. I wanted to incorporate old photos and new ones to show growth and life. I love working on photoshoots like this and editing the photos into black and white which imply a lot of emotion.
After doing the initial photoshoot, I experimented with blending in the old photos on an app and furthermore, went into our school darkroom and did it by hand with chemicals.
And finally my spontaneous shoot in London from February this year! It was my first time doing something like this. I'm always a bit of a typical tourist; I even take photos in my own town, but I loved going into London on a day out and having the motive to do a proper photoshoot.
Mostly taken in the tube stations, this photo shoot was inspired by Bob Mazzer. After researching his work for quite a while as part of my course, I became obsessed and wanted to recreate his photography as part of my final project 'Events'.
I also edited them to create a 'grungy' effect, similar to Mazzer's photos.
Over the past 3 years, I have really experimented with many types of photography which has made me realise that taking photos of people is my favourite.
It is quite gutting that I didn't get to finish the course, my final project or complete the final 10 hour exam but I so enjoyed what I did do in photography. I would love to make this my career one day and can't wait to continue studying it at A-level.
Again, if you have any questions about the course or anything else, feel free to leave them below!
Bethan xx
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